Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The pattern that connects

The pattern that connects

Nowadays, there emerges a prevailing trend for designers to design fashionable clothes with diverse stylish patterns. You are totally deceived if you think those attractive patterns are genuinely man-made. In reality, they are not original but derived from some certain natural patterns.

Although it is well-established that human beings are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. And thanks to that, we are getting increasingly pompous, considering ourselves as unique species that can manipulate all the others and take control of the world. We still cannot create nature. Instead, we learn from it.

We get the spiral pattern from a whirlpool at the surface of the sea, which you can also find whenever you finish a bath and extract the plug of your tub. We can also learn from it via the photos sent back from a satellite which happens to witness a tornado. The pattern connects among all the creatures. Snakes are likely to curl them up to keep warm in frigid days. With no exception, mankind is connected by the spiral pattern as well. For instance, little baby also curls up in mother’s belly before the birth. Thus we are not as dependent as we think we are. At least, those patterns connect us, human beings, with other species in the world.
The same examples are quite ubiquitous. Although the shape of snowflakes varies differently from the temperature and humidity, it is acknowledged as hexagonal prism to a great extent. And that is where we get the hexagon from the nature. You will find it a coincidence that honeycombs are also hexagons. What is more, some turtles have several hexagon patterns on their shell as well, indicating that the hexagon pattern connects.

Pentacle is another pattern that connects the nature with us human beings and some other creatures. We still use a pentacle to stand for a star in some simple picture by now, even though we know those stars are nothing but only spheres. And I believe those stars are where we get the pentacle pattern for the first time. Under the sea, there lives a kind of creature who looks like a pentacle exactly, the star fish. Moreover, you can also find two pentacles easily if you observe your unfolded hands carefully.

Those patterns are proofs. They demonstrate that nothing in the world is independent. We human beings, accompanied with all the other species, share lots of characteristics in common. Thus we should share the place to live. No matter how intelligent we might be, we still should respect other creatures by keep their habitats intact and don’t intervene their lives. 

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